Work from home freelance writing jobs are a lot of fun! Imagine being paid to write short articles about topics you enjoy, and then get paid for it? You can work from the convenience of your home, home office, or wherever you are with your laptop and an internet connection. Pay rates are small for lower ranked writers, but many freelance writing websites will offer very competitive pay rates for writers who are ranked the highest. Assignments can range from around 150 words to over 1000 words. At many freelance writing work from home jobs, you will be paid weekly or biweekly. Each job you complete will also be rated, so it is important that you submit the best possible quality of work in order to retain a good rating. One bad rating can really be damaging when you are just starting out and don't have a lot of other good feedback to offset it. So you really want to make sure that you take your time, meet the deadline, and proofread your work as many times as possible before sending it to the client. After the jump, one work from home job opportunity for you to check out.
Work From Home Job Opportunity #1 (Freelance Writing)
There are tons of different assignments available right now on At Interact Media, you can apply to be a writer by filling out a simple application and submitting a writing sample. Your writing sample will be reviewed, and you will be given a rating between 1 and 5 stars. Then all you have to do is wait until jobs are posted, and once you find one you like you are ready to go! One thing to keep in mind is that the higher your rating, the more jobs you will have to choose from. Also, writers with high star ratings can charge higher rates.
If you consider yourself a decent writer, with good typing skills, freelance writing online can be a great opportunity for you to make some money. Best of all, there is no initial cost or investment involved, and you most likely do not need any additional training in order to be hired! Interact Media is currently accepting applications from writers, why not give it a shot? Freelance writing is truly a fun work from home job, go see for yourself!
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